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AgStats 2023: applied stats and ecotourism in Indiana

6 minute read


I just got back from AgStats 2023 (Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources) held at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, my first foray into an applied agricultural stats conference. Read more

Working for the USDA

5 minute read


In October 2021 I started a new job as an applied statistician for the Agricultural Research Service, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As promised here are a few musings on my 6-month anniversary of becoming an employee of the federal government. Read more

Mistakes in science

7 minute read


tl;dr version of this post

  • Almost all published science has mistakes in it.
  • Even in the big data world, it’s important to work with people who have “been there” and know where the data come from.
  • The best mistakes are the ones that are also opportunities (but not all of them are)!
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Why do we waste so much food?

7 minute read


Food waste is the trademark problem of our culture of abundance. Pouring huge proportions of our precious land, soil, water, and energy resources into producing food, and inflicting damage on the environment in the process, is necessary to maintain human life. Read more



Evidence from individual inference for high-dimensional coexistence: long term experiments on recruitment response

Published in PLoS One, 2012

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Recommended citation: Clark, J. S., A. S. Powell, B. D. Soltoff, and Q. D. Read. 2012. Evidence from individual inference for high-dimensional coexistence: long term experiments on recruitment response. PLoS One 7:e30050. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030050

Species identity influences belowground arthropod assemblages via functional traits

Published in Annals of Botany Plants, 2013

Open access! Awarded Editor's Choice.

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Recommended citation: Gorman, C. E., Q. D. Read, M. E. Van Nuland, and others. 2013. Phylogenetic similarity aboveground leads to community similarity belowground through conservatism of functional traits. Annals of Botany Plants plt049. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plt049

Convergent effects of elevation on functional leaf traits within and among species

Published in Functional Ecology, 2014

Nominated for the British Ecological Society's Haldane Prize for Young Investigators

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Recommended citation: Read, Q. D., L. C. Moorhead, N. G. Swenson, J. K. Bailey, and N. J. Sanders. 2014. Convergent effects of elevation on functional leaf traits within and among species. Functional Ecology 28:37-45. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12162

Preparing biology graduate teaching assistants for their roles as instructors: an assessment of institutional approaches

Published in CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2015

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Recommended citation: Schussler, E. E., Q. D. Read, G. Marbach-Ad, K. Miller, and M. Ferzli. 2015. Preparing biology graduate teaching assistants for their roles as instructors: an assessment of institutional approaches. CBE-Life Sciences Education 14:1-11. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.14-11-0196

Accounting for the nested nature of genetic variation across levels of organization improves our understanding of biodiversity and community ecology

Published in Oikos, 2016

Awarded Editor's Choice.

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Recommended citation: Read, Q. D., S. M. Hoban, M. B. Eppinga, J. A. Schweitzer, and J. K. Bailey. 2016. Accounting for the nested nature of genetic variation across levels of organization improves our understanding of biodiversity and community ecology. Oikos 125:895-904. DOI: 10.1111/oik.02760

Consistently inconsistent drivers of patterns of microbial diversity and abundance at macroecological scales

Published in Ecology, 2017

Open access! First author is an undergraduate that I helped mentor.

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Recommended citation: Hendershot, J. N., Q. D. Read, J. A. Henning, N. J. Sanders, and A. T. Classen. 2017. Consistently inconsistent drivers of patterns of microbial diversity and abundance at macroecological scales. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1829

Short-term responses to warming vary between native vs. exotic species and with latitude in an early successional plant community

Published in Oecologia, 2018

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Recommended citation: Welshofer, K. B., P. L. Zarnetske, N. K. Lany, and Q. D. Read. 2018. Short-term responses to warming vary between native vs. exotic species and with latitude in an early successional plant community. Oecologia. DOI: h10.1007/s00442-018-4111-9

Among-species overlap in rodent body size distributions predicts species richness along a temperature gradient

Published in Ecography, 2018

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Recommended citation: Read, Q. D., J. M. Grady, P. L. Zarnetske, S. Record, B. Baiser, J. Belmaker, M.-N. Tuanmu, A. Strecker, L. Beaudrot, and K. M. Thibault. 2018. Among-species overlap in rodent body size distributions predicts species richness along a temperature gradient. Ecography. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03641

Towards connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with satellite remote sensing

Published in Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2019

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Recommended citation: Zarnetske, P. L., Q. D. Read, S. Record, K. Gaddis, S. Pau, M. Hobi, S. L. Malone, J. K. Costanza, K. M. Dahlin, A. Latimer, A. M. Wilson, J. M. Grady, S. Ollinger, A. O. Finley. 2019. Towards connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with satellite remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12887.

A systems approach to assessing environmental and economic effects of food loss and waste interventions in the United States

Published in Science of the Total Environment, 2019

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Recommended citation: Muth, M. K., C. Birney, A. Cuéllar, S. M. Finn, M. Freeman, J. N. Galloway, I. Gee, J. A. Gephart, K. Jones, L. Low, E. Meyer, Q. D. Read, T. Smith, K. A. Weitz, and S. Zoubek. 2019. A systems approach to assessing environmental and economic effects of food loss and waste interventions in the United States. Science of the Total Environment 685:1240-1254. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.230.

Assessing the environmental impacts of halving food loss and waste along the food supply chain

Published in Science of the Total Environment, 2020

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Recommended citation: Read, Q. D., S. Brown, A. D. Cuéllar, S. M. Finn, J. A. Gephart, L. T. Marston, E. Meyer, K. A. Weitz, and M. K. Muth. 2020. Assessing the environmental impacts of halving food loss and waste along the food supply chain. Science of the Total Environment 712:136255. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136255.

Remote sensing of geodiversity as a link to biodiversity

Published in Book chapter in Remote Sensing of Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life., 2020

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Recommended citation: Record, S., K. M. Dahlin, P. L. Zarnetske, Q. D. Read, S. L. Malone, K. D. Gaddis, J. M. Grady, J. Costanza, M. L. Hobi, A. M. Latimer, S. Pau, A. M. Wilson, S. V. Ollinger, A. O. Finley, and E. Hestir. 2020. Remote sensing of geodiversity as a link to biodiversity. Book chapter in Remote Sensing of Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life. J. Cavender-Bares, J. Gamon, and P. Townsend, eds. Springer International. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33157-3.

Reducing water scarcity by reducing food loss and waste

Published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021

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Recommended citation: Marston, L.T., Read, Q.D., Brown, S.P. & Muth, M.K. (2021). Reducing water scarcity by reducing food loss and waste. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5. DOI:10.3389/fsufs.2021.651476

Linking terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity to ecosystem function across scales, trophic levels, and realms

Published in Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2021

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Recommended citation: Dahlin, K. M., P. L. Zarnetske, Q. D. Read, L. Twardochleb, A. G. Kamoske, K. S. Cheruvelil, and P. A. Soranno. 2021. Linking terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity to ecosystem function across scales, trophic levels, and realms. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 217. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2021.692401.

Biodiversity effects of food system sustainability actions from farm to fork.

Published in PNAS, 2022

Summarized in an accompanying PNAS commentary; featured in New Scientist, Anthropocene Magazine, Medium, and La Presse (Montreal daily newspaper; link in French)

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Recommended citation: Read, Q. D., K. L. Hondula, and M. K. Muth. 2022. Biodiversity effects of food system sustainability actions from farm to fork. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2113884119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2113884119.

Evidence, causes, and consequences of declining nitrogen availability in terrestrial ecosystems

Published in Science, 2022

Response by Olff et al. DOI:10.1126/science.abq7575; rebuttal to response DOI:10.1126/science.abq8690

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Recommended citation: Mason, R. E., J. M. Craine, N. K. Lany, M. Jonard, S. V. Ollinger, P. M. Groffman, R. W. Fulweiler, J. Angerer, Q. D. Read, P. B. Reich, P. H. Templer, and A. J. Elmore. 2022. Evidence, causes, and consequences of declining nitrogen availability in terrestrial ecosystems. Science, 376, eabh3767. DOI: 10.1126/science.abh3767.

Computational fluid dynamics modeled air speed through in-shell peanuts in drying wagons compared to experimentally measured air speed.

Published in Journal of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2022

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Recommended citation: McIntyre, J. S., C. L. Butts, and Q. D. Read. 2022. Computational fluid dynamics modeled air speed through in-shell peanuts in drying wagons compared to experimentally measured air speed. Journal of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 38:489-507. DOI: 10.13031/aea.14771.

Towards mapping biodiversity from above: Can fusing lidar and hyperspectral remote sensing predict taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic tree diversity in temperate forests?

Published in Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022

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Recommended citation: Kamoske, A. G., K. M. Dahlin, Q. D. Read, S. Record, S. P. Serbin, S. C. Stark, and P. L. Zarnetske. 2022. Towards mapping biodiversity from above: Can fusing lidar and hyperspectral remote sensing predict taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic tree diversity in temperate forests? Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13516.

Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modelling in a distributed network experiment: an example from the WaRM Network

Published in Ecology and Evolution, 2022

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Recommended citation: Prager, C. M., A. T. Classen, M. K. Sundqvist, M. N. Barrios-Garcia, E. K. Cameron, L. Chen, C. Chisholm, T. W. Crowther, J. R. Deslippe, K. Grigulis, J.-S. He, J. A. Henning, M. Hovenden, T. T. Høye, X. Jing, S. Lavorel, J. R. McLaren, D. B. Metcalfe, G. S. Newman, M. L. Nielsen, C. Rixen, Q. D. Read, K. E. Rewcastle, M. Rodriguez-Cabal, D. A. Wardle, S. Wipf, and N. J. Sanders. Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modelling in a distributed network experiment: an example from the WaRM Network. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9396. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9396.

Buffered peptone water formulation does not influence growth of pESI positive Salmonella serovar Infantis

Published in Journal of Food Protection, 2022

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Recommended citation: McMillan, E. A., M. E. Berrang, Q. D. Read, S. Ramasetti, A. K. Richards, N. W. Shariat, and J. G. Frye. 2023. Buffered peptone water formulation does not influence growth of pESI positive Salmonella serovar Infantis. Journal of Food Protection 86:100033. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfp.2022.100033.

Evaluation of a plant-based infant formula containing almonds and buckwheat on gut microbiota composition, intestine morphology, metabolic and immune markers in a neonatal piglet model

Published in Nutrients, 2023

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Recommended citation: Gurung, M., F. Rosa, B. Yelvington, N. Terry, Q. D. Read, B. D. Piccolo, B. Moody, P. Tripp, H. E. Pittman, B. L. Fay, T. J. Ross, J. D. Sikes, J. B. Flowers, R. Fox, T. LeRoith, R. Talatala, F. Bar-Yoseph, and L. Yeruva. 2023. Evaluation of a plant-based infant formula containing almonds and buckwheat on gut microbiota composition, intestine morphology, metabolic and immune markers in a neonatal piglet model. Nutrients 15:383. DOI: 10.3390/nu15020383.

The Brazilian peppertree biological control agent Pseudophilothrips ichini (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) displays a flexible feeding strategy between foliage and reproductive tissues

Published in Biological Control, 2023

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Recommended citation: Nestle, R., J. Palacios, A. S. David, Q. D. Read, and G. S. Wheeler. 2023. The Brazilian peppertree biological control agent Pseudophilothrips ichini (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) displays a flexible feeding strategy between foliage and reproductive tissues. Biological Control 105159. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2023.105159.

Effectiveness of combined biochar and lignite with poultry litter on soil carbon sequestration and soil health

Published in Open Journal of Soil Science, 2023

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Recommended citation: Adeli, A., J. P. Brooks, D. Miles, T. Misna, Q. D. Read, and J. N. Jenkins. 2023. Effectiveness of combined biochar and lignite with poultry litter on soil carbon sequestration and soil health. Open Journal of Soil Science 13:124-149. DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2023.132006.

Use of automated capillary immunoassay for quantification of antibodies in chicken sera against recombinant Salmonella enterica serotype Heidelberg proteins

Published in Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2023

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Recommended citation: Yeh, H.-Y., J. G. Frye, C. R. Jackson, Q. D. Read, J. E. Line, and A. Hinton. 2023. Use of automated capillary immunoassay for quantification of antibodies in chicken sera against recombinant Salmonella enterica serotype Heidelberg proteins. Journal of Microbiological Methods. DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2023.106757.

Preliminary assessment of bacterial antibiotic resistance and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus titer in three Florida commercial citrus groves

Published in Crop Protection, 2023

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Recommended citation: de Gracia Coquerel, M., A. McAuley, J. Wegerif, Q. D. Read, N. Chowdhury, K. C. Jeong, J. G. Morris, S. J. Martins, E. M. Goss, and M. S. Ascunce. 2023. Preliminary assessment of bacterial antibiotic resistance and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus titer in three Florida commercial citrus groves. Crop Protection 172:106350. DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2023.106350.

Potential energy and environmental footprint savings from reducing food loss and waste in Europe: a scenario-based multiregional input-output analysis

Published in Environmental Science & Technology, 2023

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Recommended citation: Osei-Owusu, K. A., Q. D. Read, and M. Thomsen. Potential energy and environmental footprint savings from reducing food loss and waste in Europe: a scenario-based multiregional input-output analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c00158.

Distribution of antibiotic resistance in a mixed-use watershed and the impact of wastewater treatment plants on antibiotic resistance in surface water

Published in Antibiotics, 2023

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Recommended citation: Cho, S., L. M. Hiott, Q. D. Read, J. Damashek, J. Westrich, M. Edwards, R. F. Seim, D. A. Glinski, J. M. Bateman McDonald, E. A. Ottesen, E. K. Lipp, W. M. Henderson, C. R. Jackson, and J. G. Frye. 2023. Distribution of antibiotic resistance in a mixed-use watershed and the impact of wastewater treatment plants on antibiotic resistance in surface water. Antibiotics 12(11):1586. DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics12111586.

Effects of ingested essential oils and propolis extracts on honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) health and gut microbiota

Published in Journal of Insect Science, 2023

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Recommended citation: Martin Ewert, A., M. Simone-Finstrom, Q. D. Read, C. Husseneder, and V. Ricigliano. 2023. Effects of ingested essential oils and propolis extracts on honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) health and gut microbiota. Journal of Insect Science 23(6):15. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iead087.

Changes in plant architecture in Brazilian peppertree damaged by the biological control agent, Pseudophilothrips ichini Hood (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae).

Published in Biological Control, 2023

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Recommended citation: Halbritter, D. A., E. Kariuki, G. S. Wheeler, M. B. Rayamajhi, C. Minteer, and Q. D. Read. Changes in plant architecture in Brazilian peppertree damaged by the biological control agent, Pseudophilothrips ichini Hood (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Biological Control 188, 105414. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2023.105434.

Extending irrigation reservoir histories for improved groundwater modeling and conjunctive water management in two Arkansas critical groundwater areas

Published in Agricultural Water Management, 2024

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Recommended citation: Shults, D. D., M. L. Reba, J. Nowlin, J. Massey, and Q. D. Read. 2024. Extending irrigation reservoir histories for improved groundwater modeling and conjunctive water management in two Arkansas critical groundwater areas. Agricultural Water Management 293:108678. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108678.

Influence of sample density, model selection, and land use on prediction accuracy of soil properties

Published in Geoderma Regional, 2024

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Recommended citation: Safaee, S., Z. Libohova, E. J. Kladivko, A. Brown, H. E. Winzeler, Q. D. Read, S. Rahmani, and K. Adhikari. Influence of sample density, model selection, and land use on prediction accuracy of soil properties. Geoderma Regional 36:e00766. DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00766.

Thinking inside the box: Restoring the propolis envelope facilitates honey bee social immunity

Published in PLoS One, 2024

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Recommended citation: Shanahan, M., M. Simone-Finstrom, P. Tokarz, F. Rinkevich, Q. D. Read, and M. Spivak. 2024. Thinking inside the box: Bringing tree cavity textures to beehive design to stimulate propolis collection and support honey bee health. PLoS One 19:e0291744. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291744.

Cover crop and crop rotation effects on tissue and soil population dynamics of Macrophomina phaseolina and yield under no-till system

Published in Plant Disease, 2024

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Recommended citation: Mengistu, A., Q. D. Read, V. Sykes, H. Kelly, T. Kharel, and N. Bellaloui. 2024. Cover crop and crop rotation effects on tissue and soil population dynamics of Macrophomina phaseolina and yield under no-till system. Plant Disease 108: 302-310. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-03-23-0443-RE.

Cultivation and dynamic cropping processes impart land-cover heterogeneity within agroecosystems: a metrics-based case study in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (USA)

Published in Landscape Ecology, 2024

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Recommended citation: Heintzman, L. J., N. E. McIntyre, E. J. Langendoen, and Q. D. Read. 2024. Cultivation and dynamic cropping processes impart land-cover heterogeneity within agroecosystems: a metrics-based case study in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (USA). Landscape Ecology 39:29. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-024-01797-0.

A quantitative survey of the blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) nectar microbiome: variation between cultivars, locations, and farm management approaches

Published in FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2024

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Recommended citation: Rering, C. C., A. B. Rudolph, Q.-B. Li, Q. D. Read, P. R. Muñoz, J. Ternest, and C. T. Hunter. 2024. A quantitative survey of the blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) nectar microbiome: variation between cultivars, locations, and farm management approaches. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 100(3): fiae020. DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiae020.

Soybean test weight in relation to genotype, environment, and genotype x environment interaction in the southern USA

Published in Agronomy Journal, 2024

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Recommended citation: Koebernick, J., A. Gillen, R. Fett, S. Patel, B. Fallen, V. Pantalone, G. Shannon, Z. Li, A. Scaboo, W. Schapaugh, R. Mian, and Q. D. Read. 2024. Soybean test weight in relation to genotype, environment, and genotype x environment interaction in the southern USA. Agronomy Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.21551.

Microbiota of infants consuming secretors or non-secretors mother’s milk impacts the gut and immune system in mice

Published in mSystems, 2024

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Recommended citation: Gurung, M., B. T. Schlegel, D. Rajasundaram, R. Fox, L. Bode, T. Yao, S. R. Lindemann, T. LeRoith, Q. D. Read, C. Simecka, L. Carroll, A. Andres, and L. Yeruva. 2024. Microbiota of infants consuming secretors or non-secretors mother's milk impacts the gut and immune system in mice. mSystems e00294-24. DOI: 10.1128/msystems.00294-24.

Sublethal effects of a commercial Bt product and Bt cotton flowers on the bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) with impacts to predation from a lady beetle (Hippodamia convergens)

Published in PLoS One, 2024

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Recommended citation: Elkins, B. H., M. Portilla, K. C. Allen, N. S. Little, R. M. Mullen, R. T. Paulk, and Q. D. Read. 2024. Sublethal effects of a commercial Bt product and Bt cotton flowers on the bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) with impacts to predation from a lady beetle (Hippodamia convergens). PLoS One 19(5): e0302941. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302941.

Simulating water dynamics related to pedogenesis across space and time: implications for four-dimensional digital soil mapping

Published in Geoderma, 2024

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Recommended citation: Owens, P. R., M. Mancini, H. E. Winzeler, Q. D. Read, N. Sun, J. Blackstock, and Z. Libohova. 2024. Simulating water dynamics related to pedogenesis across space and time: implications for four-dimensional digital soil mapping. Geoderma 447: 116911. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116911.

Human milk oligosaccharides and Bifidobacteria Infantis interactively shape mouse splenic immune responses

Published in Current Developments in Nutrition, 2024

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Recommended citation: Mulakala, B. K., M. Salinas, J. Rearick, B. Onyekweli, M. Gurung, M. Ruebel, J. Dada-Fox, J. Zeledon, R. Talatala, L. Davidson, R. Chapkin, Q. D. Read, S. Donovan, and L. Yeruva. 2024. Human milk oligosaccharides and Bifidobacteria Infantis interactively shape mouse splenic immune responses. Current Developments in Nutrition 8: 103429. DOI: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.103429.

Effects of full-fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer diets on performance, egg quality and chemical composition

Published in Poultry Science, 2024

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Recommended citation: Toomer, O. T., P. Maharjan, K. L. Harding, T. C. Vu, R. Malheiros, R. Mian, M. Joseph, Q. D. Read, E. O. Oviedo-Rondon, and K. E. Anderson. 2024. Effects of full-fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer diets on performance, egg quality and chemical composition. Poultry Science 103(10): 104074. DOI: 10.1016/j.psj.2024.104074.

Interpreting the spatial distribution of soil properties with a physically-based distributed hydrological model

Published in Geoderma Regional, 2024

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Recommended citation: Libohova, Z., M. Mancini, H. E. Winzeler, Q. D. Read, N. Sun, D. Beaudette, C. Williams, J. Blackstock, S. H. G. Silva, N. Curi, K. Adhikari, A. Ashworth, J. Minia, and P. R. Owens. 2024. Interpreting the spatial distribution of soil properties with a physically-based distributed hydrological model. Geoderma Regional: e00863. DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00863.

Mycotoxin contamination and the nutritional content of corn targeted for animal feed

Published in Poultry Science, 2024

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Recommended citation: Pokoo-Aikins, A., C. M. McDonough, T. R. Mitchell, J. A. Hawkins, L. F. Adams, Q. D. Read, X. Li, R. Shanmugasundaram, E. Rodewald, P. Acharya, A. E. Glenn, and S. E. Gold. 2024. Mycotoxin contamination and the nutritional content of corn targeted for animal feed. Poultry Science 103(12): 104303. DOI: 10.1016/j.psj.2024.104303.

